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Arkiston sisällöstä voi tiedustella Erkki Marttilalta, email erkki.johannes.marttila (at) gmail.com, puh 050 3518111
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Sunday, February 18, 2007
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Dear Sir Marttila!
My name is Igor Sazeev. In Summer I usually work on-two months as a guide at Valamo (in Russian Valaam). By the way tomorrow I’m going there again.
I am interesting in Finnish history and in the Soviet-Finnish relationships, especially their military aspects. Of course one of the main points of that interest is staying of Finnish troups on the Valamo arches. As I know you are one of the first-rate specialist in that question.
Unfortunately I can’t speak Finnish and to read in Finnish is difficult for me. So I have a couple of questions.
The first question is about Finnish troups at Kelisaary. In August divers from ‘Divo’ divers club plan another expedition to Valamo. Several years ago they found the ship ‘Valamon Luostari’ on the ground of Big Nikkan bay. This time they are going to investigate the ground by Kelisaari island. I heard a story (legend?) that nearby that island was sinking a cannon. I don’t know is it true. Maybe you can help to clear that question. If it is true, could you please to define the place there that could be happened.
And we could be much appreciated for any information about any things that concerned Kelisaari, especially places at the bottom nearby there probably could be expected finds. What parts of the bottom near coast could you advise to investigate?
The second question is about a concentration camp on Valamo. As I have read after Finnish Civil war in 1918 such a camp was organized on Valamo, on Emelian islands. I have interest in more detail information: how long existed the camp, how many people was there, where was the place of the camp exactly etc. Could you please to help me.
In 2020 I wrote an article about Kelisaari and Emelian islands in Russian Social net VK (Vkontakte).
Now the new sketes are completed. Fortunately old military constructings are untouched. I am not sure you can uderstand Russian but there are a lot of photos in the article, you can watch that. At every place there are usually several pictures, you can scroll that.
Thank you for your attention.
Best regards,
Igor Sazeev
P.S. I tried to send email to erkki.marttila@oikeus.fi but without success. My email isazeev@mail.ru
Hello Eki!
I sent you mail to erkki.marttila@pp.inet.fi but for some reason the mail could not delivered. So I am writing again here to the blog. Below is the text of the letter.
My main mail-box is isazeev@mail.ru
I visited Valamo that days and gave first part of a talk about happenings there in 1918-1944. Photos and materials you sent me helped very much in that, thank you. First part of that report finished at about middle of 1930th’s.
Probably in January I will talk the second part. I think the most part of the report will be about the preparing to the Winter war, about the war, evacuation of the monastery and about the return of Finnish troups in 1941-44.
You sent me very interesting photos of the new military barrack in Nikkana before and after bombing by Soviet aviation. The rest of the barrack we show now to the tourists. Could you please to inform me what placed in that big house except living rooms for soldiers. I heard that there were officers’ club, maybe coffe shop with billiards. Some guides told about intelligence school there but I have big doubts in that. Could you clarify that, please. And what year was it built, 1937 or later?
I think during the preparing of the report I will ask you some more questions.
Thank you very much. I attach some photos of the last visit to Valamo, I was there with my younger son. We were at the Monastery farm.
Best regards,
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